
  1. Introduction
  2. Anime Info Dataset EDA
  3. Anime Reviews Dataset EDA
  4. User Ratings Dataset EDA
  5. Conclusion

1. Introduction

In this notebook we will explore the datasets scraped by our webscraping scripts. A previous notebook going through these scripts can be found here. Exploration in this notebook will be guided by some key questions within each section.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from ast import literal_eval
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import warnings
import statsmodels as sm

2. Anime Info Dataset EDA

In this section we will look at the dataset containing information for the 13,300 titles scraped, guided by the following questions:

  1. How many episodes does a title usually run for?
  2. Longest running titles?
  3. Best performing studios?
  4. Number of titles released over the years
  5. How are titles scored?

First we will look at some general information from this dataset.

cleaned_df = pd.read_csv('cleaned_anime_info.csv')
cleaned_df['Aired_Start'] = pd.to_datetime(cleaned_df['Aired_Start'], errors='coerce')
cleaned_df['Aired_End'] = pd.to_datetime(cleaned_df['Aired_End'], errors='coerce')
MAL_Id Name Type Episodes Status Producers Licensors Studios Source Genres ... Score-2 Score-1 Synopsis Voice_Actors Recommended_Ids Recommended_Counts Aired_Start Aired_End Premiered_Season Rank
0 52991 Sousou no Frieren TV 28.0 Finished Airing ['Aniplex', 'Dentsu', 'Shogakukan-Shueisha Pro... ['None found', 'add some'] ['Madhouse'] Manga ['Adventure', 'Drama', 'Fantasy', 'Shounen'] ... 402 4100 During their decade-long quest to defeat the D... ['Tanezaki, Atsumi', 'Ichinose, Kana', 'Kobaya... ['33352', '41025', '35851', '486', '457', '296... ['14', '11', '8', '5', '5', '4', '4', '3', '2'... 2023-09-29 2024-03-22 4.0 1
1 5114 Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood TV 64.0 Finished Airing ['Aniplex', 'Square Enix', 'Mainichi Broadcast... ['Funimation', 'Aniplex of America'] ['Bones'] Manga ['Action', 'Adventure', 'Drama', 'Fantasy', 'M... ... 3460 50602 After a horrific alchemy experiment goes wrong... ['Park, Romi', 'Kugimiya, Rie', 'Miki, Shinich... ['11061', '16498', '1482', '38000', '9919', '1... ['74', '44', '21', '17', '16', '14', '14', '9'... 2009-04-05 2010-07-04 2.0 2
2 9253 Steins;Gate TV 24.0 Finished Airing ['Frontier Works', 'Media Factory', 'Kadokawa ... ['Funimation'] ['White Fox'] Visual novel ['Drama', 'Sci-Fi', 'Suspense', 'Psychological... ... 2868 10054 Eccentric scientist Rintarou Okabe has a never... ['Miyano, Mamoru', 'Imai, Asami', 'Hanazawa, K... ['31043', '31240', '9756', '10620', '2236', '4... ['132', '130', '48', '26', '24', '19', '19', '... 2011-04-06 2011-09-14 2.0 3
3 28977 Gintama° TV 51.0 Finished Airing ['TV Tokyo', 'Aniplex', 'Dentsu'] ['Funimation', 'Crunchyroll'] ['Bandai Namco Pictures'] Manga ['Action', 'Comedy', 'Sci-Fi', 'Gag Humor', 'H... ... 1477 8616 Gintoki, Shinpachi, and Kagura return as the f... ['Sugita, Tomokazu', 'Kugimiya, Rie', 'Sakaguc... ['9863', '30276', '33255', '37105', '6347', '3... ['3', '2', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', ... 2015-04-08 2016-03-30 2.0 4
4 38524 Shingeki no Kyojin Season 3 Part 2 TV 10.0 Finished Airing ['Production I.G', 'Dentsu', 'Mainichi Broadca... ['Funimation'] ['Wit Studio'] Manga ['Action', 'Drama', 'Suspense', 'Gore', 'Milit... ... 1308 12803 Seeking to restore humanity's diminishing hope... ['Kamiya, Hiroshi', 'Kaji, Yuuki', 'Ishikawa, ... ['28623', '37521', '25781', '2904', '36649', '... ['1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', ... 2019-04-29 2019-07-01 2.0 5

5 rows × 40 columns
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 13300 entries, 0 to 13299
Data columns (total 40 columns):
 #   Column              Non-Null Count  Dtype         
---  ------              --------------  -----         
 0   MAL_Id              13300 non-null  int64         
 1   Name                13300 non-null  object        
 2   Type                13300 non-null  object        
 3   Episodes            13245 non-null  float64       
 4   Status              13300 non-null  object        
 5   Producers           13300 non-null  object        
 6   Licensors           13300 non-null  object        
 7   Studios             13300 non-null  object        
 8   Source              13300 non-null  object        
 9   Genres              13300 non-null  object        
 10  Duration            13300 non-null  object        
 11  Rating              13211 non-null  object        
 12  Score               13300 non-null  float64       
 13  Popularity          13300 non-null  int64         
 14  Members             13300 non-null  int64         
 15  Favorites           13300 non-null  int64         
 16  Watching            13300 non-null  int64         
 17  Completed           13300 non-null  int64         
 18  On-Hold             13300 non-null  int64         
 19  Dropped             13300 non-null  int64         
 20  Plan to Watch       13300 non-null  int64         
 21  Total               13300 non-null  int64         
 22  Score-10            13300 non-null  int64         
 23  Score-9             13300 non-null  int64         
 24  Score-8             13300 non-null  int64         
 25  Score-7             13300 non-null  int64         
 26  Score-6             13300 non-null  int64         
 27  Score-5             13300 non-null  int64         
 28  Score-4             13300 non-null  int64         
 29  Score-3             13300 non-null  int64         
 30  Score-2             13300 non-null  int64         
 31  Score-1             13300 non-null  int64         
 32  Synopsis            13300 non-null  object        
 33  Voice_Actors        13300 non-null  object        
 34  Recommended_Ids     13300 non-null  object        
 35  Recommended_Counts  13300 non-null  object        
 36  Aired_Start         13289 non-null  datetime64[ns]
 37  Aired_End           7148 non-null   datetime64[ns]
 38  Premiered_Season    13289 non-null  float64       
 39  Rank                13300 non-null  int64         
dtypes: datetime64[ns](2), float64(3), int64(21), object(14)
memory usage: 4.1+ MB

Here we notice some missing values from ‘Episodes’,’Rating’,’Aired_Start’,’Aired_End’,’Premiered_Season’.

MAL_Id Episodes Score Popularity Members Favorites Watching Completed On-Hold Dropped ... Score-6 Score-5 Score-4 Score-3 Score-2 Score-1 Aired_Start Aired_End Premiered_Season Rank
count 13300.000000 13245.000000 13300.000000 13300.000000 1.330000e+04 13300.000000 1.330000e+04 1.330000e+04 13300.000000 13300.000000 ... 13300.000000 13300.000000 13300.000000 13300.000000 13300.000000 13300.000000 13289 7148 13289.000000 13300.000000
mean 22248.567669 13.740506 6.456092 7936.567744 7.285031e+04 854.796466 4.751001e+03 4.703889e+04 1878.256692 2406.951579 ... 3976.735940 1944.259549 868.131654 396.392707 229.843383 252.029925 2007-03-30 05:47:17.685303552 2010-01-27 17:09:50.263010816 2.432764 6650.500000
min 1.000000 1.000000 1.869653 1.000000 1.240000e+02 0.000000 4.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000 7.000000 ... 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1917-01-01 00:00:00 1962-02-25 00:00:00 1.000000 1.000000
25% 5004.250000 1.000000 5.827480 3411.750000 1.418000e+03 1.000000 7.000000e+01 5.840000e+02 35.000000 89.000000 ... 81.000000 71.000000 32.000000 18.000000 11.000000 20.000000 2001-05-10 00:00:00 2004-06-21 12:00:00 1.000000 3325.750000
50% 20850.000000 3.000000 6.548627 7537.500000 6.592000e+03 10.000000 2.770000e+02 3.199000e+03 144.000000 183.000000 ... 461.000000 275.000000 109.000000 55.000000 32.000000 41.000000 2011-07-30 00:00:00 2013-06-21 12:00:00 2.000000 6650.500000
75% 37095.250000 13.000000 7.205349 12211.000000 4.213000e+04 100.000000 1.722000e+03 2.288675e+04 839.000000 892.250000 ... 2709.000000 1364.250000 528.250000 240.000000 133.000000 140.000000 2017-10-03 00:00:00 2018-12-07 18:00:00 3.000000 9975.250000
max 58592.000000 3057.000000 9.276142 21779.000000 3.928648e+06 225215.000000 1.658868e+06 3.445820e+06 277825.000000 218766.000000 ... 269758.000000 173778.000000 110044.000000 58187.000000 33200.000000 50602.000000 2024-04-08 00:00:00 2024-04-27 00:00:00 4.000000 13300.000000
std 17416.784305 52.926585 1.027267 5098.692655 2.210112e+05 6223.221896 2.238497e+04 1.636013e+05 7004.696705 7893.897702 ... 11176.487076 5544.392422 2974.903574 1483.749934 949.186809 1180.692242 NaN NaN 1.124617 3839.523625

8 rows × 26 columns

2.1 How many episodes does a title usually run for?

sns.countplot(data=cleaned_df, x='Type')
<Axes: xlabel='Type', ylabel='count'>


count    4715.000000
mean       31.006575
std        84.461690
min         2.000000
25%        12.000000
50%        13.000000
75%        26.000000
max      3057.000000
Name: Episodes, dtype: float64
count    8530.000000
mean        4.196600
std        12.289696
min         1.000000
25%         1.000000
50%         1.000000
75%         3.000000
max       496.000000
Name: Episodes, dtype: float64

Within “Type” TV series is the largest category, for the other categories we see that a majority of them are a one time thing with a single episode so we will be focusing on the TV category for this section

sns.histplot(data=cleaned_df[(cleaned_df.Type=='TV')&(cleaned_df.Episodes<=30)], x='Episodes', bins=30, binrange=(0,30))
plt.title('Distribution of No. of Episodes (TV Titles <= 30 Episodes)')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Distribution of No. of Episodes (TV Titles <= 30 Episodes)')


For TV series with <= 30 Episodes, the most popular run length is 12 episodes long, followed by 13 and 26 episode lengths.

sns.histplot(data=cleaned_df[(cleaned_df.Type=='TV')&(cleaned_df.Episodes>30)&(cleaned_df.Episodes<=250)], x='Episodes', bins=22, binrange=(30,250))
plt.title('Distribution of No. of Episodes (TV Titles 30 < Episodes <= 250)')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Distribution of No. of Episodes (TV Titles 30 < Episodes <= 250)')


Looking at titles with 30 < Eipsodes <= 250, most fall within the 50 to 60 episodes range, followed by 40 to 50 and 30 to 40 episodes.

sns.histplot(data=cleaned_df[(cleaned_df.Type=='TV')&(cleaned_df.Episodes>250)], x='Episodes', bins=26, binrange=(250,3500))
plt.title('Distribution of No. of Episodes (TV Titles 250 > Episodes)')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Distribution of No. of Episodes (TV Titles 250 > Episodes)')


Looking at the outlier long running titles we see that most fall between 250 to 500 episodes, with an outlier running for more than 3000 episodes!

cleaned_df[cleaned_df.Episodes > 1000][['MAL_Id','Name','Episodes','Status','Popularity','Score','Rank','Aired_Start','Aired_End']]
MAL_Id Name Episodes Status Popularity Score Rank Aired_Start Aired_End
904 2471 Doraemon (1979) 1787.0 Finished Airing 2737 7.765135 905 1979-04-02 2005-03-18
6897 6277 Manga Nippon Mukashibanashi (1976) 1471.0 Finished Airing 11722 6.415709 6898 1976-01-07 1994-09-03
9028 9947 Lan Mao 3057.0 Finished Airing 13932 5.680556 9029 1999-10-08 2001-08-01
10202 8213 Hokahoka Kazoku 1428.0 Finished Airing 13747 5.657343 10203 1976-10-01 1982-03-31
10271 32448 Kirin Ashita no Calendar 1306.0 Finished Airing 15099 5.510000 10272 1980-01-01 1984-10-06
10709 22221 Monoshiri Daigaku: Ashita no Calendar 1274.0 Finished Airing 14150 5.542986 10710 1966-07-01 1970-08-02
11038 10241 Sekai Monoshiri Ryoko 1006.0 Finished Airing 14208 5.642553 11039 1971-10-01 1974-12-31
11256 23349 Kirin Monoshiri Yakata 1565.0 Finished Airing 14288 5.335740 11257 1975-01-01 1979-12-31
11641 12393 Oyako Club 1818.0 Finished Airing 12922 5.518605 11642 1994-10-03 2013-03-30

Above are the outlier titles with the highest number of episodes! Interestingly, except for Doraemon it seems like none of the titles are particularly highly rated or popular.

2.2 Longest running titles?

Finished Airing     13197
Currently Airing      103
Name: count, dtype: int64
currently_airing = cleaned_df[cleaned_df.Status=='Currently Airing']
sns.histplot(currently_airing, x='Aired_Start')
plt.title("Currently Airing Titles' Premier Years")
Text(0.5, 1.0, "Currently Airing Titles' Premier Years")


Looking at titles that are still running, we see that the majority of them premiered in the 2020s as expected. The oldest running title appears to be from around 1970, more than 50 years ago!

currently_airing[currently_airing['Aired_Start'].dt.year < 2000][['MAL_Id','Name','Episodes','Status','Score','Popularity','Rank','Aired_Start']]
MAL_Id Name Episodes Status Score Popularity Rank Aired_Start
51 21 One Piece NaN Currently Airing 8.741164 19 52 1999-10-20
405 235 Meitantei Conan NaN Currently Airing 8.196769 675 406 1996-01-08
997 966 Crayon Shin-chan NaN Currently Airing 7.840472 2313 998 1992-04-13
2602 6149 Chibi Maruko-chan (1995) NaN Currently Airing 7.409741 7834 2603 1995-01-08
3751 1199 Nintama Rantarou NaN Currently Airing 7.207432 7119 3752 1993-04-10
5304 1960 Sore Ike! Anpanman NaN Currently Airing 6.892672 9096 5305 1988-10-03
7489 4459 Ojarumaru NaN Currently Airing 6.338290 11094 7490 1998-10-05
8878 2406 Sazae-san NaN Currently Airing 6.185860 6857 8879 1969-10-05

Above are titles that starting airing before 2000 and are still airing today, It appears that for these titles the Episodes field is empty as there is no known end date/episode. Compared to the previous section where we looked at aired titles with the highest number of episodes, these titles are more popular and higher rated in general, with very recognizable names like One Piece, Detective Conan, and Crayon Shin-chan within the list.

MAL_Id                                                             2406
Name                                                          Sazae-san
Type                                                                 TV
Episodes                                                            NaN
Status                                                 Currently Airing
Producers                                                   ['Fuji TV']
Licensors                                    ['None found', 'add some']
Studios                                                       ['Eiken']
Source                                                     4-koma manga
Genres                                      ['Comedy', 'Slice of Life']
Duration                                                        24 min.
Rating                                                     G - All Ages
Score                                                           6.18586
Popularity                                                         6857
Members                                                            8369
Favorites                                                            37
Watching                                                           2171
Completed                                                             1
On-Hold                                                             741
Dropped                                                            1826
Plan to Watch                                                      3630
Total                                                              8369
Score-10                                                            248
Score-9                                                              97
Score-8                                                             180
Score-7                                                             354
Score-6                                                             353
Score-5                                                             266
Score-4                                                             101
Score-3                                                              55
Score-2                                                              48
Score-1                                                             165
Synopsis              The main character is a mother named Sazae-san...
Voice_Actors          ['Katou, Midori', 'Nagai, Ichiro', 'Sasuga, Ta...
Recommended_Ids                                 ['951', '6149', '6625']
Recommended_Counts                                      ['1', '1', '1']
Aired_Start                                         1969-10-05 00:00:00
Aired_End                                                           NaT
Premiered_Season                                                    4.0
Rank                                                               8879
Name: 8878, dtype: object

Looking at the oldest currently airing title named Sazae-san, apparently it has aired more than 8000 episodes thus far! This is more episodes than the highest number we have seen in this dataset (3057 episodes), however as the title is still airing with no planned ending, the final episode count is listed as Unknown on the website.

2.3 Best performing studios?

studios = cleaned_df.copy()
0                           ['Madhouse']
1                              ['Bones']
2                          ['White Fox']
3              ['Bandai Namco Pictures']
4                         ['Wit Studio']
13295       ['Toei Animation', 'Gallop']
13296    ['Production I.G', 'Signal.MD']
13297                            ['OLM']
13298                 ['Toei Animation']
13299         ['None found', 'add some']
Name: Studios, Length: 13300, dtype: object
# evaluate the Studios column as a list of strings
studios['Studios'] = studios['Studios'].apply(literal_eval)
# explode the studios column to make multiple entries for titles with multiple studios, one try for each studio
studios = studios.explode('Studios')
None found                           2219
add some                             2219
Toei Animation                        735
Sunrise                               509
J.C.Staff                             386
uzupiyo Animation & Digital Works       1
VROOOOM                                 1
Mook DLE                                1
Studio Korumi                           1
Anime Tokyo                             1
Name: count, Length: 812, dtype: int64

We see that Toei Animation has worked on the highest number of titles, 2219 titles have missing studios information

count     812.000000
mean       20.418719
std       119.205020
min         1.000000
25%         1.000000
50%         3.000000
75%         9.000000
max      2219.000000
Name: count, dtype: float64
# Remove entries with unknown studios
studios = studios[(~studios.Studios.str.contains('add some|None found'))]

Distribution of Number of Titles per Studio

num_titles = studios.Studios.value_counts().reset_index()
Studios count
0 Toei Animation 735
1 Sunrise 509
2 J.C.Staff 386
3 Madhouse 351
4 Production I.G 317
print("Number of Studios with only 1 title : ", len(num_titles[num_titles['count'] == 1]))
print("Number of Studios with 2~5 titles : ", len(num_titles[(num_titles['count']<=5)&(num_titles['count']>=2)]))
print("Number of Studios with >5 titles : ", len(num_titles[num_titles['count'] >5] ))
Number of Studios with only 1 title :  253
Number of Studios with 2~5 titles :  285
Number of Studios with >5 titles :  272

More than 2/3 of Studios are attributed to <= 5 titles

ax = sns.histplot(num_titles[num_titles['count'] >5], x='count', bins=50)
ax.set(xlabel='Number of Titles', ylabel='Number of Studios')
plt.title('Distribution of Number of Titles per Studio (with >5 Titles)')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Distribution of Number of Titles per Studio (with >5 Titles)')


Looking at studios with >5 titles, most fall under 100 titles. However some larger/longer standing studios have more than 300 titles attributed to them.

Distribution of Average Score per Studio

avg_score = studios.groupby('Studios')['Score'].mean().reset_index()
Studios Score
0 10Gauge 6.800447
1 2:10 AM Animation 6.439553
2 5 Inc. 5.997731
3 7doc 6.157123
4 81 Produce 5.324742
... ... ...
805 team Yamahitsuji 7.286680
806 teamKG 6.011747
807 ufotable 7.209364
808 uzupiyo Animation & Digital Works 6.049351
809 yell 4.593171

810 rows × 2 columns

ax = sns.histplot(avg_score, x='Score')
ax.set(xlabel='Average Score')

quantiles = ['25%','50%','75%']
colors = ['red','orange','green']
for i in range(len(quantiles)):
    a = avg_score.describe().transpose()[quantiles[i]]['Score']
    ax.axvline(a, color=colors[i], label=f'Q{i+1} : {a:.2f}')
plt.title('Distribution of Average Scores of the Studios')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Distribution of Average Scores of the Studios')


Most studios have an average score between 5.80 to 6.82

studios_agg = studios.groupby('Studios')['Score'].agg(['count','mean']).reset_index().sort_values('count', ascending=False)
Studios count mean
706 Toei Animation 735 6.646888
668 Sunrise 509 6.857137
295 J.C.Staff 386 6.805965
371 Madhouse 351 6.955988
483 Production I.G 317 7.041709
678 TMS Entertainment 306 6.945850
599 Studio Deen 291 6.930208
467 Pierrot 263 6.790359
424 OLM 261 6.630814
6 A-1 Pictures 219 7.158236
print(f"The top 10 studios has worked on {studios_agg[:10]['count'].sum() * 100 / studios_agg['count'].sum():.2f}% of all titles in the dataset")
The top 10 studios has worked on 29.96% of all titles in the dataset
fig,ax = plt.subplots(2,1)
sns.barplot(studios_agg[:10], x='Studios', y='count', ax=ax[0])
sns.barplot(studios_agg[:10], x='Studios', y='mean', ax=ax[1])
ax[0].set(ylabel='Number of Titles')
ax[0].set_ylim(bottom = studios_agg[:10]['count'].min()-20, top = studios_agg[:10]['count'].max()+20)
ax[1].set(ylabel='Mean Score')
ax[1].set_ylim(bottom = studios_agg[:10]['mean'].min()-0.5, top = studios_agg[:10]['mean'].max()+0.5)
ax[1].set_xticklabels(ax[1].get_xticklabels(), rotation=45, ha='right')

quantiles = ['50%','75%']
colors = ['orange','green']
for i in range(len(quantiles)):
    a = avg_score.describe().transpose()[quantiles[i]]['Score']
    ax[1].axhline(a, color=colors[i], label=f'Q{i+2} : {a:.2f}')
fig.legend(loc='center right')
fig.suptitle('Number of Titles/Mean Scores of the Top 10 Largest Studios')


All the top studios have average scores better than the median of the industry, a few of them such as Production I.G and A-1 Pictures have average scores better than the 75% percentile of the industry.

studios_agg.sort_values('mean', ascending=False)[:10]
Studios count mean
419 Nippon Ramayana Film Co. 1 8.390935
733 TthunDer Animation 1 8.326316
186 Egg Firm 4 8.251246
306 K-Factory 3 8.187644
546 Shenman Entertainment 3 8.105867
584 Studio Bind 7 8.100353
543 Sharefun Studio 4 8.085452
651 Studio Signpost 5 7.979743
13 AHA Entertainment 2 7.956859
179 E&H Production 2 7.898461
cleaned_df[cleaned_df.Studios.str.contains('Nippon Ramayana Film Co.')]
MAL_Id Name Type Episodes Status Producers Licensors Studios Source Genres ... Score-2 Score-1 Synopsis Voice_Actors Recommended_Ids Recommended_Counts Aired_Start Aired_End Premiered_Season Rank
208 4921 Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama Movie 1.0 Finished Airing ['TEM Co.', 'Ltd.'] ['None found', 'add some'] ['Nippon Ramayana Film Co.'] Other ['Adventure'] ... 21 69 Rama, the eldest prince of the Kingdom of Ayod... [] ['40834', '249'] ['1', '1'] 1993-01-15 NaT 1.0 209

1 rows × 40 columns

The studio with the highest mean score has only 1 title as shown above, looks like it was a production studio set up specifically to produce the Ramayana Movie.

studios_agg[studios_agg['count'] >= 10].sort_values('mean', ascending=False)[:10]
Studios count mean
402 Motion Magic 12 7.681899
49 Animation Do 10 7.649636
554 Shuka 19 7.604989
337 Kyoto Animation 116 7.458863
762 Wonder Cat Animation 10 7.443068
158 David Production 42 7.377500
759 Wit Studio 68 7.360997
682 TROYCA 18 7.357247
102 Bones 146 7.318575
127 CloverWorks 48 7.306971

When looking at studios that have worked on >=10 titles, Motion Magic appears to have the highest average score. Some notable studios in the above list are Kyoto ANimation, Wit Studio, and Bones with >50 titles and a high average score suggesting that they have a really good track record of producing well rated titles.

2.4 Number of anime titles over the years

sns.histplot(cleaned_df.Aired_Start.dt.year, bins = 50)
<Axes: xlabel='Aired_Start', ylabel='Count'>


From the above plot we see the number of titles being producted plummeted around 1930s~1960s, possibly due to WW2 and its aftermath. Since then it have been increasing, with a boom since the 2000s. In recent years ~500 titles are released every year compared to the ~100 at year 2000.

2016.0    617
2017.0    603
2018.0    592
2014.0    583
2015.0    533
2021.0    533
2019.0    510
2022.0    494
2012.0    494
2013.0    487
Name: count, dtype: int64

The top 10 years with the highest number of titles released are all from between 2010 and now.

2.5 How are titles scored?

scores = cleaned_df[cleaned_df.columns[12:32]].copy()
scores['MAL_Id'] = cleaned_df['MAL_Id'].copy()
scores['Name'] = cleaned_df['Name'].copy()
scores['Rank'] = cleaned_df['Rank'].copy()
scores['Popularity'] = cleaned_df['Popularity'].copy()
scores['Episodes'] = cleaned_df['Episodes'].copy()
Score Popularity Members Favorites Watching Completed On-Hold Dropped Plan to Watch Total ... Score-6 Score-5 Score-4 Score-3 Score-2 Score-1 MAL_Id Name Rank Episodes
0 9.276142 301 670859 35435 256405 241747 9365 6223 157119 670859 ... 3191 1726 734 426 402 4100 52991 Sousou no Frieren 1 28.0
1 8.941080 3 3331144 225215 258128 2407536 112339 58874 494267 3331144 ... 31930 15538 5656 2763 3460 50602 5114 Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood 2 64.0
2 8.962588 13 2553356 189031 166881 1601623 88990 55596 640266 2553356 ... 31520 16580 8023 3740 2868 10054 9253 Steins;Gate 3 24.0
3 8.726812 341 628071 16610 68383 262806 24425 18685 253772 628071 ... 6060 3601 1496 1011 1477 8616 28977 Gintama° 4 51.0
4 9.019487 21 2262916 58383 79195 2037246 9242 7393 129840 2262916 ... 22287 8112 3186 1596 1308 12803 38524 Shingeki no Kyojin Season 3 Part 2 5 10.0

5 rows × 24 columns

ax = sns.histplot(scores, x='Score')

quantiles = ['25%','50%','75%']
colors = ['red','orange','green']
for i in range(len(quantiles)):
    a = scores.describe().transpose()[quantiles[i]]['Score']
    ax.axvline(a, color=colors[i], label=f'Q{i+1} : {a:.2f}')
plt.title('Distribution of Scores Across All Titles')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Distribution of Scores Across All Titles')


Looking at the distribution of scores for all titles we see that most scores fall between 5.83~7.21.

The distribution suggests that users are not using the entire scale, rather than a 1-10 rating system it looks more like a 4-10 system with 6/7 being an “average” rating.

Next we can try looking at the deviation of scores to see which are the more polarizing titles according to user ratings.

def calc_sd(data):
    #MAD = (summ |xi - xmean|) / n
    n = 0
    total = 0
    xmean = 0
    xdiff = 0
    for i in range(1,11):
        col = 'Score-' + str(i)
        total += data[col] * int(i)
        n += data[col]
    xmean = total/n
    for i in range(1,11):
        col = 'Score-' + str(i)
        xdiff += (abs(int(i)-xmean) ** 2) * data[col]
    return (xdiff/n) ** 0.5
scores['SD'] = scores.apply(calc_sd, axis=1)
0        1.361661
1        1.674361
2        1.430520
3        2.009090
4        1.289965
13295    3.203730
13296    1.950239
13297    2.841099
13298    2.860655
13299    3.108680
Name: SD, Length: 13300, dtype: float64
scores[['Name','Rank','Score','SD','Popularity']].sort_values('SD', ascending = False)[:10]
Name Rank Score SD Popularity
13288 Shin Yaranai ka 13289 6.631579 3.615908 10908
13159 Chicken Papa 13160 4.150509 3.381850 10311
12363 Uobbuchou 12364 4.731707 3.325372 18258
11684 Kenda Master Ken (TV) 11685 5.150235 3.323831 13899
10645 Mahou no LumiTear 10646 7.172691 3.320603 14605
10853 Yousei Dick 10854 5.659574 3.316795 14295
12335 Yodel no Onna 12336 5.741093 3.316546 12113
11676 Burutabu-chan 11677 4.396694 3.296578 18372
13015 Chargeman Ken! 13016 4.353383 3.259139 8821
10239 Xiong Chumo: Xiong Zin Guilai 10240 4.469027 3.256228 18319
score_cols = ['Score-10', 'Score-9',
       'Score-8', 'Score-7', 'Score-6', 'Score-5', 'Score-4', 'Score-3',
       'Score-2', 'Score-1'][::-1]
ax = sns.barplot(scores[scores['Rank']==13016][score_cols])
ax.set_xticklabels(score_cols, rotation=45, ha='right')

[Text(0, 0, 'Score-1'),
 Text(1, 0, 'Score-2'),
 Text(2, 0, 'Score-3'),
 Text(3, 0, 'Score-4'),
 Text(4, 0, 'Score-5'),
 Text(5, 0, 'Score-6'),
 Text(6, 0, 'Score-7'),
 Text(7, 0, 'Score-8'),
 Text(8, 0, 'Score-9'),
 Text(9, 0, 'Score-10')]


Score-1 Score-2 Score-3 Score-4 Score-5 Score-6 Score-7 Score-8 Score-9 Score-10
13015 404 227 206 149 130 72 62 35 30 281

Looks like Titles with the largest score deviation are generally lower scoring titles with lower popularity. Possibly due to the lower number of user votes and obscurity of the title, the title will be dominated by scores at both ends of the 1-10 scale rather than the centre/one end of the scale as one would expect.

scores[['Name','Rank','Score','SD','Popularity']].loc[scores['Rank'] < 300].sort_values('SD', ascending = False)[:10]
Name Rank Score SD Popularity
9 Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu 10 8.647633 2.177381 745
49 Ashita no Joe 2 50 8.380418 2.172501 3045
5 Gintama: The Final 6 8.862701 2.126664 1538
3 Gintama° 4 8.726812 2.009090 341
272 Blue Archive the Animation 273 8.379562 1.946342 4056
143 Mo Dao Zu Shi: Wanjie Pian 144 8.427876 1.929255 2377
160 Gintama: Yorinuki Gintama-san on Theater 2D 161 8.295726 1.914696 3306
139 Aria the Origination 140 8.325882 1.849753 1725
227 Tian Guan Cifu Special 228 8.325569 1.834084 3157
208 Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama 209 8.390935 1.804288 6079
score_cols = ['Score-10', 'Score-9',
       'Score-8', 'Score-7', 'Score-6', 'Score-5', 'Score-4', 'Score-3',
       'Score-2', 'Score-1'][::-1]
ax = sns.barplot(scores[scores['Rank']==10][score_cols])
ax.set_xticklabels(score_cols, rotation=45, ha='right')

[Text(0, 0, 'Score-1'),
 Text(1, 0, 'Score-2'),
 Text(2, 0, 'Score-3'),
 Text(3, 0, 'Score-4'),
 Text(4, 0, 'Score-5'),
 Text(5, 0, 'Score-6'),
 Text(6, 0, 'Score-7'),
 Text(7, 0, 'Score-8'),
 Text(8, 0, 'Score-9'),
 Text(9, 0, 'Score-10')]


Looking at only the Top 300 titles we see the highest standard deviation of scores is significantly lower at ~2.18. Compared to the previous title, we see that this title appears to be universally well acclaimed with a large amount of perfect scores. The variance in scores appear to be driven up by a sizeable subset of users giving it a score of 1.

scores['PauseWatchRatio'] = (scores['Dropped']+scores['On-Hold'])/(scores['Completed']+scores['Watching'])
scores[['Rank','Name','Score','Episodes','PauseWatchRatio','Popularity']].iloc[:100].sort_values('PauseWatchRatio', ascending=False)[:10]
Rank Name Score Episodes PauseWatchRatio Popularity
14 15 Gintama 8.616600 201.0 0.332894 139
51 52 One Piece 8.741164 NaN 0.280334 19
9 10 Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu 8.647633 110.0 0.268197 745
69 70 Mushishi 8.542181 26.0 0.219599 215
24 25 Monster 8.753179 74.0 0.209530 133
99 100 Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu 8.477288 13.0 0.170704 833
57 58 Great Teacher Onizuka 8.611780 43.0 0.137601 218
3 4 Gintama° 8.726812 51.0 0.130167 341
45 46 Cowboy Bebop 8.710319 26.0 0.119984 43
50 51 Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu: Sukeroku Futata... 8.608779 12.0 0.114479 1272

Within the top 100 titles, when comparing the ratio of users who have dropped/paused the title vs those who have completed/currently-watching, the top three titles with the highest ratio of watchers abandoning the show all have a high number of episodes with approximately 1/3 ~ 1/4 of watchers abandoning it partway. One Piece has more than 1000 episodes as of 2024.

Even though these titles are highly rated and generally high in popularity, it appears that the length of a series is a factor in whether a user watches a titles completely.

sns.heatmap(scores.iloc[:100].corr(numeric_only=True), mask = np.triu(scores.iloc[:100].corr(numeric_only=True)))
<Axes: >


Looking at the heatmap above for the top 100 titles, it looks like number of Episodes is indeed linearly correlated with PauseWatchRatio. Another interesting observation is that a title’s average score is correlated to the number of Score-1 that it has received, suggesting that highly rated titles may be bombarded by Score-1 ratings for whatever reason.

sns.heatmap(cleaned_df.corr(numeric_only=True), mask = np.triu(cleaned_df.corr(numeric_only=True)), cmap='icefire')
<Axes: >


Above we see a correlation heatmap of the variables within our dataset, with many observations that aligns with what one would commonly expect. Titles’ ratings/popularity are correlated the number of times they get added to a user’s to-watch list.

3. Anime Reviews Dataset EDA

df = pd.read_csv('cleaned_anime_reviews.csv')
df2 = df.merge(cleaned_df[['MAL_Id','Name','Type','Episodes','Status','Source','Aired_Start','Aired_End','Rank']])
review_id MAL_Id Review Tags Name Type Episodes Status Source Aired_Start Aired_End Rank
0 0 52991 With lives so short, why do we even bother? To... Recommended Sousou no Frieren TV 28.0 Finished Airing Manga 2023-09-29 2024-03-22 1
1 0 52991 With lives so short, why do we even bother? To... Preliminary Sousou no Frieren TV 28.0 Finished Airing Manga 2023-09-29 2024-03-22 1
2 1 52991 Frieren is the most overrated anime of this de... Not-Recommended Sousou no Frieren TV 28.0 Finished Airing Manga 2023-09-29 2024-03-22 1
3 1 52991 Frieren is the most overrated anime of this de... Funny Sousou no Frieren TV 28.0 Finished Airing Manga 2023-09-29 2024-03-22 1
4 1 52991 Frieren is the most overrated anime of this de... Preliminary Sousou no Frieren TV 28.0 Finished Airing Manga 2023-09-29 2024-03-22 1
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
92327 77912 3287 Anime is and always has been, a great story te... Not-Recommended Tenkuu Danzai Skelter+Heaven OVA 1.0 Finished Airing Visual novel 2004-12-08 NaT 13284
92328 77913 3287 If you've come to watch a piece of trash, then... Not-Recommended Tenkuu Danzai Skelter+Heaven OVA 1.0 Finished Airing Visual novel 2004-12-08 NaT 13284
92329 77914 3287 Giant Sqid Thingy is muh waifu Before there wa... Recommended Tenkuu Danzai Skelter+Heaven OVA 1.0 Finished Airing Visual novel 2004-12-08 NaT 13284
92330 77915 3287 "It is not the fault of the product. It depend... Recommended Tenkuu Danzai Skelter+Heaven OVA 1.0 Finished Airing Visual novel 2004-12-08 NaT 13284
92331 77916 3287 "Tenkuu Danzai Skelter+Heaven" is a thrilling ... Recommended Tenkuu Danzai Skelter+Heaven OVA 1.0 Finished Airing Visual novel 2004-12-08 NaT 13284

92332 rows × 12 columns

20    2257
1     2004
2     1141
3      777
4      575
5      397
6      321
7      262
8      239
9      177
10     170
12     133
11     127
14     114
13     114
15     102
17      89
16      79
18      71
19      66
Name: count, dtype: int64

The max number of reviews for any title within the dataset appears to be 20 as the source scrapes only the first page of reviews for every title.

print(f"Titles with at least a full page of reviews: {(df2.groupby('MAL_Id')['review_id'].nunique() == 20).sum()} / {len(df2.groupby('MAL_Id')['review_id'].nunique())} titles")
Titles with at least a full page of reviews: 2257 / 9215 titles
# Count length of each review 
df2['review_length'] = df2.Review.apply(len)
0    3381
1    3381
2    1458
3    1458
4    1458
Name: review_length, dtype: int64
# collate unique review per MAL id
review_len = df2.groupby('MAL_Id')['review_id'].unique().reset_index()
MAL_Id review_id
0 1 [892, 893, 894, 895, 896, 897, 898, 899, 900, ...
1 5 [3486, 3487, 3488, 3489, 3490, 3491, 3492, 349...
2 6 [6023, 6024, 6025, 6026, 6027, 6028, 6029, 603...
3 7 [37039, 37040, 37041, 37042, 37043, 37044, 370...
4 8 [48684, 48685, 48686, 48687]
def sum_reviews(data, ref=df2):
    reviews_len = 0
    for num in data['review_id']:
        reviews_len += ref.loc[ref.review_id == num]['review_length'].values[0]
    return reviews_len
# Total length of all reviews per MAL Id
review_len['total_review_length'] = review_len.apply(sum_reviews, axis=1)
MAL_Id review_id total_review_length
0 1 [892, 893, 894, 895, 896, 897, 898, 899, 900, ... 112849
1 5 [3486, 3487, 3488, 3489, 3490, 3491, 3492, 349... 54635
2 6 [6023, 6024, 6025, 6026, 6027, 6028, 6029, 603... 93273
3 7 [37039, 37040, 37041, 37042, 37043, 37044, 370... 47901
4 8 [48684, 48685, 48686, 48687] 5808
review_len = review_len.merge(cleaned_df[['MAL_Id','Name','Rank']], how = 'left')
review_len = review_len.merge(df2.groupby('MAL_Id')['Tags'].value_counts().unstack().reset_index(), how = 'left')
MAL_Id review_id total_review_length Name Rank Creative Funny Informative Mixed-Feelings Not-Recommended Preliminary Recommended Well-written
0 1 [892, 893, 894, 895, 896, 897, 898, 899, 900, ... 112849 Cowboy Bebop 46 NaN NaN NaN 2.0 3.0 1.0 15.0 NaN
1 5 [3486, 3487, 3488, 3489, 3490, 3491, 3492, 349... 54635 Cowboy Bebop: Tengoku no Tobira 191 NaN NaN NaN 3.0 1.0 NaN 16.0 NaN
2 6 [6023, 6024, 6025, 6026, 6027, 6028, 6029, 603... 93273 Trigun 347 NaN NaN NaN 2.0 2.0 1.0 16.0 NaN
3 7 [37039, 37040, 37041, 37042, 37043, 37044, 370... 47901 Witch Hunter Robin 3035 NaN NaN NaN 2.0 3.0 1.0 15.0 NaN
4 8 [48684, 48685, 48686, 48687] 5808 Bouken Ou Beet 4538 NaN NaN NaN 1.0 NaN NaN 3.0 NaN
review_len.sort_values('total_review_length', ascending=False)[:10]
MAL_Id review_id total_review_length Name Rank Creative Funny Informative Mixed-Feelings Not-Recommended Preliminary Recommended Well-written
4164 11061 [120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, ... 204133 Hunter x Hunter (2011) 7 NaN NaN NaN 2.0 4.0 1.0 14.0 NaN
693 820 [180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, ... 190299 Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu 10 NaN NaN NaN 4.0 3.0 3.0 13.0 NaN
6815 35849 [38696, 38697, 38698, 38699, 38700, 38701, 387... 184702 Darling in the FranXX 3229 NaN NaN NaN 1.0 8.0 10.0 11.0 NaN
5823 31043 [4564, 4565, 4566, 4567, 4568, 4569, 4570, 457... 164640 Boku dake ga Inai Machi 257 NaN NaN NaN 3.0 8.0 1.0 9.0 NaN
6207 32981 [75369, 75370, 75371, 75372, 75373, 75374, 753... 158419 Hand Shakers 12228 NaN NaN NaN 2.0 14.0 9.0 4.0 NaN
5130 21881 [55394, 55395, 55396, 55397, 55398, 55399, 554... 158184 Sword Art Online II 5636 NaN NaN NaN 4.0 8.0 NaN 8.0 NaN
8285 45576 [1222, 1223, 1224, 1225, 1226, 1227, 1228, 122... 157586 Mushoku Tensei: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu Part 2 64 NaN NaN NaN 1.0 10.0 7.0 9.0 NaN
8766 51009 [540, 541, 542, 543, 544, 545, 546, 547, 548, ... 156426 Jujutsu Kaisen 2nd Season 28 NaN 10.0 NaN 8.0 6.0 11.0 6.0 NaN
4075 10620 [29907, 29908, 29909, 29910, 29911, 29912, 299... 150197 Mirai Nikki (TV) 2264 NaN NaN NaN 3.0 9.0 2.0 8.0 NaN
4880 18679 [9774, 9775, 9776, 9777, 9778, 9779, 9780, 978... 147220 Kill la Kill 588 NaN NaN NaN 4.0 3.0 NaN 13.0 NaN

Hunter X Hunter (2011) has the longest reviews in the first page with a total of over 200,000 characters!

tmp = (df2.groupby('MAL_Id')['review_id'].nunique() == 20).reset_index()
tmp = tmp[tmp['review_id'] == True]['MAL_Id'].values
(2257, 13)
ax = sns.histplot(review_len[review_len['MAL_Id'].isin(tmp)], x='total_review_length')
quantiles = ['25%','50%','75%']
colors = ['red','orange','green']
for i in range(len(quantiles)):
    a = review_len[review_len['MAL_Id'].isin(tmp)].describe()['total_review_length'].transpose()[quantiles[i]]
    ax.axvline(a, color=colors[i], label=f'Q{i+1} : {a:.2f}')
plt.title('Distribution of Total Review Length (Titles with Full First Page of Reviews)')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Distribution of Total Review Length (Titles with Full First Page of Reviews)')


Most titles with a filled first page have between 47000 to 77000 total review characters on the first page.

4. User Ratings Dataset EDA

In the final section we will be exploring the user ratings dataset guided by the following questions

  1. Average number of titles on a user’s list?
  2. Average number of lists a title is added to?
  3. Is this dataset representative of the population data?
df = pd.read_csv('cleaned_user_ratings.csv')
Username User_Id Anime_Id Anime_Title Rating_Status Rating_Score Num_Epi_Watched Is_Rewatching Updated Start_Date
0 flerbz 0 30654 Ansatsu Kyoushitsu 2nd Season watching 0 24 False 2022-02-26 22:15:01+00:00 2022-01-29
1 flerbz 0 22789 Barakamon dropped 0 2 False 2023-01-28 19:03:33+00:00 2022-04-06
2 flerbz 0 31964 Boku no Hero Academia completed 0 13 False 2024-03-31 02:10:32+00:00 2024-03-30
3 flerbz 0 33486 Boku no Hero Academia 2nd Season completed 0 25 False 2024-03-31 22:32:02+00:00 2024-03-30
4 flerbz 0 36456 Boku no Hero Academia 3rd Season watching 0 24 False 2024-04-03 02:08:56+00:00 2024-03-31
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
5452187 mintcakee 20010 392 Yuu☆Yuu☆Hakusho plan_to_watch 0 0 False 2023-03-09 13:18:23+00:00 NaN
5452188 mintcakee 20010 1246 Yuugo: Koushounin plan_to_watch 0 0 False 2023-10-23 14:14:44+00:00 NaN
5452189 mintcakee 20010 23283 Zankyou no Terror plan_to_watch 0 0 False 2022-12-29 02:18:00+00:00 NaN
5452190 mintcakee 20010 37976 Zombieland Saga completed 7 12 False 2023-04-24 14:35:42+00:00 NaN
5452191 mintcakee 20010 40174 Zombieland Saga Revenge completed 8 12 False 2023-04-24 14:35:46+00:00 NaN

5452192 rows × 10 columns
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 5452192 entries, 0 to 5452191
Data columns (total 10 columns):
 #   Column           Dtype 
---  ------           ----- 
 0   Username         object
 1   User_Id          int64 
 2   Anime_Id         int64 
 3   Anime_Title      object
 4   Rating_Status    object
 5   Rating_Score     int64 
 6   Num_Epi_Watched  int64 
 7   Is_Rewatching    bool  
 8   Updated          object
 9   Start_Date       object
dtypes: bool(1), int64(4), object(5)
memory usage: 379.6+ MB

4.1 Average Number of titles on a user’s list?

print(f'Dataset contains {df.Username.nunique()} unique usernames')
Dataset contains 17513 unique usernames
completed        3495469
plan_to_watch    1354615
watching          276342
dropped           190743
on_hold           134890
Name: count, dtype: int64
0     2483410
8      760247
7      697199
9      476260
6      355335
10     331937
5      179752
4       82215
3       40177
2       23248
1       22412
Name: count, dtype: int64
print(f'{(len(df)-df.Rating_Score.value_counts()[0])*100/len(df):.2f}% of the entries in the dataset have not been rated')
54.45% of the entries in the dataset have not been rated
count    17513.00000
mean       311.32256
std        174.44065
min          1.00000
25%        153.00000
50%        327.00000
75%        499.00000
max        499.00000
Name: User_Id, dtype: float64
ax = sns.histplot(df.groupby('Username').count()[['User_Id']], x='User_Id')
quantiles = ['25%','50%','75%']
colors = ['red','orange','green']
for i in range(len(quantiles)):
    a = df.groupby('Username').count()['User_Id'].describe().transpose()[quantiles[i]]
    ax.axvline(a, color=colors[i], label=f'Q{i+1} : {a:.2f}')
plt.xlabel('Number of Entries in List')
plt.title('Distribution of Number of Titles in User List')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Distribution of Number of Titles in User List')


We see that max number of titles in a list is 500, this is due to the webscraping script setting a limit of titles per username to 500, hence the 5000+ usernames with 499 titles in their lists

Within the dataset we see that most users have between 153 to 499 titles in their list.

Username User_Id Anime_Id Anime_Title Rating_Status Rating_Score Num_Epi_Watched Is_Rewatching Updated Start_Date
0 flerbz 0 30654 Ansatsu Kyoushitsu 2nd Season watching 0 24 False 2022-02-26 22:15:01+00:00 2022-01-29
1 flerbz 0 22789 Barakamon dropped 0 2 False 2023-01-28 19:03:33+00:00 2022-04-06
2 flerbz 0 31964 Boku no Hero Academia completed 0 13 False 2024-03-31 02:10:32+00:00 2024-03-30
3 flerbz 0 33486 Boku no Hero Academia 2nd Season completed 0 25 False 2024-03-31 22:32:02+00:00 2024-03-30
4 flerbz 0 36456 Boku no Hero Academia 3rd Season watching 0 24 False 2024-04-03 02:08:56+00:00 2024-03-31
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
5452187 mintcakee 20010 392 Yuu☆Yuu☆Hakusho plan_to_watch 0 0 False 2023-03-09 13:18:23+00:00 NaN
5452188 mintcakee 20010 1246 Yuugo: Koushounin plan_to_watch 0 0 False 2023-10-23 14:14:44+00:00 NaN
5452189 mintcakee 20010 23283 Zankyou no Terror plan_to_watch 0 0 False 2022-12-29 02:18:00+00:00 NaN
5452190 mintcakee 20010 37976 Zombieland Saga completed 7 12 False 2023-04-24 14:35:42+00:00 NaN
5452191 mintcakee 20010 40174 Zombieland Saga Revenge completed 8 12 False 2023-04-24 14:35:46+00:00 NaN

5452192 rows × 10 columns

# Calculate percentage of rated entries in a user's list
df_rated = df[df.Rating_Score != 0].groupby('Username').count()[['User_Id']].reset_index()
df_all = df.groupby('Username').count()['User_Id'].reset_index()
tmp = df_rated.merge(df_all, how = 'left', on ='Username')
tmp['Percentage'] = tmp['User_Id_x']/tmp['User_Id_y']
Username User_Id_x User_Id_y Percentage
0 ---NovA--- 343 375 0.914667
1 --0__0-- 11 241 0.045643
2 --Amaya-- 198 449 0.440980
3 --Maple-- 318 391 0.813299
4 --Xerxes-- 181 396 0.457071
... ... ... ... ...
16149 zozon 33 499 0.066132
16150 zsda2 282 322 0.875776
16151 zulfikar12 130 135 0.962963
16152 zumiyu 2 245 0.008163
16153 zun43d 37 330 0.112121

16154 rows × 4 columns

count    16154.000000
mean         0.585322
std          0.281731
min          0.002004
25%          0.386770
50%          0.627140
75%          0.819888
max          1.000000
Name: Percentage, dtype: float64
ax = sns.histplot(tmp, x='Percentage')
quantiles = ['25%','50%','75%']
colors = ['red','orange','green']
for i in range(len(quantiles)):
    a = tmp.Percentage.describe().transpose()[quantiles[i]]
    ax.axvline(a, color=colors[i], label=f'Q{i+1} : {a:.2f}')
plt.title('Distribution of Percentage of Rated Entries in List')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Distribution of Percentage of Rated Entries in List')


Most users have ~39% to 82% of their entire list rated, more than 700 users have not rated any titles on their list, while more than 900 users have rated every title on their list.

4.2 Average number of lists a title is added to?

title_all = df.groupby('Anime_Title').count()['Anime_Id'].reset_index()
Anime_Title Anime_Id
0 "0" 23
1 "Aesop" no Ohanashi yori: Ushi to Kaeru, Yokub... 7
2 "Ai" wo Taberu 11
3 "Bungaku Shoujo" Kyou no Oyatsu: Hatsukoi 31
4 "Bungaku Shoujo" Memoire 185
... ... ...
17360 Üks Uks 1
17361 ēlDLIVE 488
17362 ​Itsudemo Hohoemi wo 1
17363 ‎Honekko Parade 5
17364 56

17365 rows × 2 columns

ax = sns.histplot(title_all, x='Anime_Id', log_scale=True)
quantiles = ['25%','50%','75%']
colors = ['red','orange','green']
for i in range(len(quantiles)):
    a = title_all.Anime_Id.describe().transpose()[quantiles[i]]
    ax.axvline(a, color=colors[i], label=f'Q{i+1} : {a:.2f}')
ax.set(xlabel='Number of Lists Containing Each Unique Title')
plt.title('Distribution of Percentage of Titles Rated in List')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Distribution of Percentage of Titles Rated in List')


Most titles are added to between 4 and 130 user lists, out of around 17000 unique users we have in the dataset.

title_rated = df[df.Rating_Score != 0].groupby('Anime_Title').count()[['Anime_Id']].reset_index()
title_all = df.groupby('Anime_Title').count()['Anime_Id'].reset_index()
tmp = title_rated.merge(title_all, how = 'left', on ='Anime_Title')
tmp['Percentage'] = tmp['Anime_Id_x']/tmp['Anime_Id_y']
Anime_Title Anime_Id_x Anime_Id_y Percentage
0 "0" 17 23 0.739130
1 "Ai" wo Taberu 6 11 0.545455
2 "Bungaku Shoujo" Kyou no Oyatsu: Hatsukoi 20 31 0.645161
3 "Bungaku Shoujo" Memoire 116 185 0.627027
4 "Bungaku Shoujo" Movie 185 300 0.616667
... ... ... ... ...
14908 xxxHOLiC Shunmuki 16 65 0.246154
14909 xxxHOLiC◆Kei 43 146 0.294521
14910 ēlDLIVE 219 488 0.448770
14911 ‎Honekko Parade 2 5 0.400000
14912 42 56 0.750000

14913 rows × 4 columns

ax = sns.histplot(tmp, x='Percentage')
quantiles = ['25%','50%','75%']
colors = ['red','orange','green']
for i in range(len(quantiles)):
    a = tmp.Percentage.describe().transpose()[quantiles[i]]
    ax.axvline(a, color=colors[i], label=f'Q{i+1} : {a:.2f}')
plt.title('Distribution of Percentage of Titles Rated in List')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Distribution of Percentage of Titles Rated in List')


Most titles are rated in 39% to 64% of the lists they are added to. In the plot we see a peak at around 1.0 where 1400 titles have almost 100% rating rate.

tmp[tmp.Percentage > 0.9].sort_values('Anime_Id_y', ascending=False)
Anime_Title Anime_Id_x Anime_Id_y Percentage
13241 Teekyuu 2 Specials 21 22 0.954545
4844 Generation of Chaos Next: Chikai no Pendant 20 22 0.909091
4068 Encore 19 21 0.904762
14597 Youkai Watch Movie 1: Tanjou no Himitsu da Nyan! 18 19 0.947368
9464 Mera Mera 14 15 0.933333
... ... ... ... ...
8248 Kung Fu Gonglyong Suhodae 1 1 1.000000
8257 Kura Sushi 1 1 1.000000
8285 Kuroi Ame ni Utarete 1 1 1.000000
8293 Kurokan 1 1 1.000000
14904 the FLY BanD! 1 1 1.000000

1397 rows × 4 columns

tmp[(tmp.Percentage > 0.9)&(tmp.Anime_Id_y == 1)]
Anime_Title Anime_Id_x Anime_Id_y Percentage
880 Anime Nihon no Mukashibanashi 1 1 1.0
923 Annyeong Jadoo: In-eogongju Pyeon 1 1 1.0
974 Ao Fei Q Chong 1 1 1.0
1037 Appa eolil Jeog-en 1 1 1.0
1155 Arpo The Robot 1 1 1.0
... ... ... ... ...
14875 _Summer Specials 1 1 1.0
14898 loTus feat. Pt. Ajay Pohankar 1 1 1.0
14902 s.CRY.ed Alteration I: Tao 1 1 1.0
14903 s.CRY.ed Alteration II: Quan 1 1 1.0
14904 the FLY BanD! 1 1 1.0

891 rows × 4 columns

This observation is due to almost 900 titles having only been added to 1 user list, and that entry is also rated. For the remaining 500 titles they are similarly obscure titles where very few users have added them to their lists, and when they appear on a user list they are usually rated.

tmp[(tmp.Percentage < 0.1)]
Anime_Title Anime_Id_x Anime_Id_y Percentage
7 "Eikou Naki Tensai-tachi" Kara no Monogatari 1 12 0.083333
14 "Oshi no Ko" Season 2 1 4130 0.000242
20 "Uchuu Senkan Yamato" to Iu Jidai: Seireki 220... 6 62 0.096774
87 11-piki no Neko to Ahoudori 1 13 0.076923
160 3-nen D-gumi Glass no Kamen: Tobidase! Watashi... 1 21 0.047619
... ... ... ... ...
14376 Xiling Jiyuan 1 18 0.055556
14430 Yakushiji Ryouko no Kaiki Jikenbo 1 13 0.076923
14522 Yichang Shengwu Jianwenlu 3 37 0.081081
14816 Zettai Karen Children 3 33 0.090909
14870 Zuoshou Shanglan 2 47 0.042553

139 rows × 4 columns

tmp[(tmp.Percentage < 0.1)&(tmp.Anime_Id_y > 1000)].sort_values('Anime_Id_y', ascending=False)
Anime_Title Anime_Id_x Anime_Id_y Percentage
8077 Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! 3 369 4843 0.076192
7716 Kimetsu no Yaiba: Hashira Geiko-hen 58 4370 0.013272
14 "Oshi no Ko" Season 2 1 4130 0.000242
9877 Mushoku Tensei II: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu Pa... 397 4056 0.097880
2008 Boku no Hero Academia 7th Season 5 3659 0.001366
7144 Kaijuu 8-gou 2 2862 0.000699
13357 Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken 3rd Season 241 2719 0.088636
10572 One Punch Man 3 1 2638 0.000379
11483 Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu 3rd Season 1 2104 0.000475
3336 Date A Live V 149 1961 0.075982
5396 Haikyuu!! Movie: Gomisuteba no Kessen 20 1768 0.011312
9001 Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei 3rd Season 107 1342 0.079732
12860 Spy x Family Movie: Code: White 93 1300 0.071538
4199 Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest 1 1295 0.000772
10683 Ore dake Level Up na Ken Season 2: Arise from ... 1 1182 0.000846
12018 Seishun Buta Yarou wa Randoseru Girl no Yume w... 82 1153 0.071119
8332 Kusuriya no Hitorigoto 2nd Season 1 1118 0.000894
7140 Kaii to Otome to Kamikakushi 104 1061 0.098021

At the other end of the spectrum we see a low number of titles with less <0.1 on the plot. Most of these titles appear to be highly anticipated titles that are currently airing or recently released, where users have not managed to complete and rate them.

4.3 Is this dataset representative of the population data?

As our user data contains ratings from a subset of the total user population on the site, we want to check if our data is representative of the site’s rating data.

ax = sns.histplot(df[df.Rating_Score!=0].groupby('Anime_Title')[['Rating_Score']].mean(), x='Rating_Score')
quantiles = ['25%','50%','75%']
colors = ['red','orange','green']
for i in range(len(quantiles)):
    a = df[df.Rating_Score!=0].groupby('Anime_Title')[['Rating_Score']].mean().describe().transpose()[quantiles[i]]['Rating_Score']
    ax.axvline(a, color=colors[i], label=f'Q{i+1} : {a:.2f}')
plt.title('Distribution of Average Title Scores')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Distribution of Average Title Scores')


Looking at the distribution of average title scores from our user ratings data, most average scores fall between 5.27 to 7.29. This is fairly close to the site average of 5.83 to 7.21 that we saw previously.

In this distribution we see peaks at every whole number due to obscure titles being added to very few (or a single) list and ending up with a whole number for its average score.

We can also compare the distributions with a student t test to get a more quantitative result.

count    13300.000000
mean         6.456092
std          1.027267
min          1.869653
25%          5.827480
50%          6.548627
75%          7.205349
max          9.276142
Name: Score, dtype: float64
count    14913.000000
mean         6.403362
std          1.402710
min          1.000000
25%          5.723404
50%          6.593750
75%          7.291667
max         10.000000
Name: Rating_Score, dtype: float64
scipy.stats.ttest_ind(cleaned_df['Score'].values, df[df.Rating_Score!=0].groupby('Anime_Title')['Rating_Score'].mean().values)
TtestResult(statistic=3.565581711830044, pvalue=0.0003636502206012928, df=28211.0)
sm.stats.weightstats.ztest(cleaned_df['Score'].values, df[df.Rating_Score!=0].groupby('Anime_Title')['Rating_Score'].mean().values)
(3.565581711830044, 0.0003630500223969563)

We see T statistics of 3.56 and p « 0.05, suggesting that the actual population mean is higher than our sample mean. Hence our sample mean is not representative of the population mean.

Some possible reasons as why this might have happened:

  1. User data was scraped using from users who were active at the time of scraping. If user behaviour when rating titles has changed from the past our sample data will not be able to show these changes. However the data will still be considered in the population mean
  2. Insufficient samples were scraped, evident from the peaks at the whole numbers. Additional user ratings may need to be scraped to obtain more samples for more obscure titles.

5. Conclusion

In this notebook we have explored the dataset that were scraped from the community site, drawing insights on content attributes, industry behaviour, and user behaviour such as the average user uses only the 4-10 ratings on the 1-10 scale provided.

Some limitations of the data was also identified, most notably the webscraping max limits placed on reviews per title and titles per userlist resulting in incomplete data. The user rating data was also found to not be representative of the site’s average ratings, possibly due to insufficient data collected.

This exploration has provided some insight and intuition around these datasets, allowing us to continue with creating models from these datasets now that we have a better understanding on the data available.